Fishery Economics

Lab Seminar: Who Benefits from Buyback Programs?

ARE Ph.D. candidate Frederik Strabo presented his research on a fishing vessel buyback program deplyaed in the US West Coast Groundfish Fishery. Buyback programs have the potential to address increasing concerns of overcapacity as fisheries' productivity and spatial distribution change in response to changing ocean conditions. Thus, understanding the effects of previous buyback programs is essential for designing future programs to achieve their intended objectives. The U.S.

Lab Seminar: Fisheries Diversification and Local Economies

Kyumin Kim’s research focuses on the impact of diversification on risk and return in the context of fishing revenues in Alaskan fishing communities. Unlike earlier studies, Kyumin adopts the principles of modern portfolio theory to analyze and elucidate the risk-return tradeoff in commercial fishing, specifically at the community level.

Lab seminar: Jellyfish blooms and the value of ecosystem forecasts

Kyumin Kim presented a research project he is developing studying the value of forecasting jellyfish blooms for commercial fisheries. Jellyfish blooms occur when jellyfish populations experience rapid growth, and they occur at high densities. Although jellyfish are natural parts of marine ecosystems, when they occur in these large numbers, they can interfere with commercial fisheries by damaging equipment and changing the behavior of target species.

Lab Seminar - Within-trip fishing location choice of commercial fishermen

Xiurou Wu presented her work on spatiotemporal behavior of commercial fishermen.  Fishery production is a multi-level decision process ranging from long-run entry/exit decisions to short-run decisions about where and how to fish. In the short run, with the target species and fishing gear chosen, fishermen decide where to fish, how much to fish and when to return to the port on a given trip...