Xiurou is showing how technology constraints change the spatiotemporal behavior of the individual fisherman.
Xiurou is showing how technology constraints change the spatiotemporal behavior of the individual fisherman.

Lab Seminar - Within-trip fishing location choice of commercial fishermen

Xiurou Wu presented her work on spatiotemporal behavior of commercial fishermen.  Fishery production is a multi-level decision process ranging from long-run entry/exit decisions to short-run decisions about where and how to fish. In the short run, with the target species and fishing gear chosen, fishermen decide where to fish, how much to fish and when to return to the port on a given trip. The decisions are influenced by economic opportunities, technology, and regulations. Understanding the trip level spatial decision making can inform the design of spatial and aspatial management measures. This research constructs a dynamic spatial model of an individual fisherman's location choice and effort allocation within a trip in the context of Gulf of Mexico’s bottom longline fishery. Simulation results show that technology constraints such as vessel capacity and fuel constraint endogenously determine the trip length. The results also show these constraints impose shadow prices that affect the individual fisherman's choice of location and effort from the outset of a trip. We compare these optimal spatial patterns with those from a myopic model where the technology constraints only affect decisions in the last time period.  

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