Lab Seminar: The Consequences of Soil Organic Carbon for Crop Yield, Farm Productivity, and Profit
Devin Serfas presented his research on the effects of soil organic carbon (SOC) on crop yield and profitability in Saskatchewan, Canada. Soil is an important sink for atmospheric carbon but many farmers see little private benefit from preserving SOC on their fields. Using data from the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation and simulated field-level SOC stocks, Devin illustrates that, in fact, SOC improves farm yields and profits, suggesting that farmers have a financial incentive to pursue climate-friendly farming practices. However, the effect varies by soil type and the marginal benefits decline with higher SOC stocks. When aggregated across all insured hectares in Saskatchewan, Devin estimates that the social benefits of SOC-preserving crop rotations range from 2.8 to 43.5 billion CAD.